This 30-60-90 (+-) triangle of Giza, Bimini and Tiahuanaco is interesting because you can’t actually see it because of the curvature of the earth. Even from space it is not readily discernible. It only really shows up on a computer model. Based on the available land masses, it is about the largest triangle you could make and have all three positions be visible at the same time.
Finding the reference points
This triangle is less accurate than most I have identified, but I am including it because of the significance of the sites. Variation is again tied to no knowing the exact location to use for the points. Plate tectonics only accounts for about 1/4 mile over 10000 years. Giza is probably a pretty safe location. Tiahuanaco is probably reasonable, although there are too many sites in Bolivia that have been destroyed by Earthquakes. Puma Punca would be my next choice, but there really isn’t enough of it left to know exactly what it might have been.
A location within a few miles (a fraction of a percent on the distance between Bimini and either of the locations) of Bimini would make a near perfect 30-60-90 triangle.